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Who share the common purpose of spreading the beautiful practice of yoga. We are committed to providing a safe space that allows you to deeply explore the many benefits that yoga has to offer.


We believe that the greatest benefit of yoga is the creation of sustainable change. In the words of Krishnamacharya, the grandfather of western yoga: "Yoga is change"; the question is whether we are able to slow down enough to immerse ourselves in the awareness of the changes, no matter how subtle they may be.


We are a place where you can connect to and create the most powerful version of yourself. A place where you receive the most comprehensive yoga education and information. We believe in the healing powers of Yoga, Ayurveda & Traditional Chinese Medicine. We also believe in giving back through yoga. A portion of all proceeds are donated to three wonderful foundations: Los Tecas Market - to support the locals within the town of Los Pargos, Costa Rica, where our main studio is located, Hope 4 A Street Dog, supporting the health of dogs and cats in Los Pargos, and Fierce Calm, a UK-based foundation that helps people around the world. 



We believe in you.  You are beautiful. You are seen. You are heard. You are loved.

#thisisyoga #commUnity #love #youareworthit





Hali Love | Founder, ERYT500+ Program Creator, Lead Facilitator in English, Prental Yoga Co Facilitator


Hali has been an ERYT500+ since 2007.  She is our Program Creator, a Yoga Therapist, Ayurveda Conulstant and SR Counsellor. Hali has studied Yoga for over 20 years.  13 years ago, she sold her 3 yoga studios and litigation firm to move to Costa Rica and pursue her dream of opening a yoga & healing centre.  After a divorce that left her as a single mom to rebuild her life, she courageously kept going and reached her dream.  You can find her happily remarried running her studio Playa Negra Yoga and offering healing retreats for women through Heal-Co.  She is a mother to 3 daughters whom she adores and a loving and supportive wife.  She is that friend who never waivers in loyalty (ever).  She is a fiercely dedicated woman, committed to living in her core values, fulfilling her life's purpose of healing, studying, sharing and living a lifestyle of love.  Hali's motto: Heal yourself to heal others, and for the love of God, walk your talk.


Dr. Randi Raymond | Integrative Medical Doctor, Traditional Chinese Medicine


My love affair with medicine started when I was eighteen and became an EMT in the city of San Diego, CA. Eventually I moved on to an outpatient surgery center, where I worked as an operating-room technician for a few years.​  I was on track to attend medical school and become a surgeon. I was good at my job, I loved what I did, and I believed 100 percent in the paradigm of Western medicine.​ At nineteen, I received the devastating news that I had cervical cancer. For the first time, I knew fear and began to realize I was not invincible. The treatment plan was to remove a portion of my cervix and possibly my uterus. That seemed a little extreme to me. I thought I might want to use my lady parts someday, so I asked for six months from my oncologist. I said I would make some changes in my life and see if things changed. If they didn’t, I would have the surgery. Luckily, the simple changes I made worked; the cancer was gone at the next visit, and I got to avoid surgery.​​ I attended the number-one acupuncture college in the nation and completed my masters in Oriental medicine. ​ Like many, I have been on an interesting journey. All of my experiences and education have brought me to an integrative approach to medicine. I am able to combine many healing modalities to create a trans-formative experience for myself, my family, and my patients. I understand now what it means to be healthy, and I hope I have shared some of that information with you.

pascale marquis yoga teacher training
Pascale Marquis | Lead Faciliator in French, Translator


Pascale habite depuis toujours le Canada, dans la région du Grand Montréal. Amoureuse du voyage, de la découverte de l’autre et de soi, maman du petit Eloan né en 2022, conjointe dévouée et amie fidèle, elle est enseignante depuis 2019. Elle cumule plus de 1000 heures de formation et le double d’enseignement. 


Le yoga est entré dans sa vie assez organiquement, lorsqu’elle cherchait des façons alignées avec ses valeurs d’apprendre à cohabiter avec l’anxiété. C’est à 21 ans lors de sa première classe de Hatha Yoga qu’elle a senti l’appel. Celui qu’un jour, cette douce médecine aurait une place privilégiée dans son quotidien. Sans constance particulière pendant plusieurs années, c’est la méditation qui s’est d’abord ancrée dans son cœur et qui lui a ouvert les yeux sur la puissance et la grandeur qu’est le yoga, dans sa pleine essence.


Avec une approche très douce et inclusive, elle se plait à guider ses classes dans l’ouverture et le respect de la différence. À ses yeux, chaque corps est unique et porte une histoire qui mérite d’être célébrée quotidiennement, avec amour. L’harmonie bienveillante est définitivement ce qui guide son enseignement.

yoga teacher training in costa rica
Flavia De Souza | Translator, Training Support in English, Spanish & Portuguese


Flavia is from Brazil. She has been living in Playa Negra Costa Rica for 23 with her husband and dogs. Flavia has been training with Hali Love for 5 years, boasting a 1000 hour certificate in Wellness Based Yoga.  Flavia is  also a certified Multi Barre and Pilates Instructor.  She has studied physiotherapy in university, and is a great support to our anatomy programs.  Flavia is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Flavia is a master creator. She creates a safe and loving space for each of her students. She also creates healing for the dogs and cats  of our area, being a major player in @hope4astreetdog.



costa rica yoga teacher training
Krysta Depp | Training Support in English


Krysta grew up surfing in Santa Cruz California, and came from an action sports back ground spending most of her time selling snowboards and skateboards. She competed and then coached competitive Gymnastics for 9 years and began practicing yoga then. In 2020, she moved to Playa Negra Costa Rica and began her 500 hour YTT with Hali Love learning Wellness Based Yoga and Multi Barre.  She then completed 250 additional hours in Advanced Teacher Training, and continues to deepen her knowledge and education in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. 




Christine Anyango | Power Vinyasa Training Suppport in English


As a young woman leaving Kenya in 2007 to study in the US; I would have never imagined possible the turn my life path would take. I studied Biology and worked in Biotech for almost 8 years. I really love Biology and the complexity of human anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, and genetics. Biology will always keep enhancing my framework of the human experience from a scientific perspective, however, there are aspects of myself I deeply yearned to get into a relationship with. That curiosity introduced me to Yoga and Meditation, a journey I began 6 years ago. In January of 2021, I decided to quit my job and headed to Costa Rica for Yoga Teacher Training to deepen my practice, a journey that ended up being a year and a half in the making, changing my path forever. For the past year, I have intensively trained in Yoga, Meditation, Personal Development, and Energy healing work. This path has taken me into deep transformation in ways I never could imagine. My initial intention was to return to my Biotech career after the year-long sabbatical, instead, my life purpose revealed itself in the process. I am passionate about Holistic wellness. I would love to share all the tools that have impacted my life with others as they navigate their own path. I believe the world is yearning so much for this. I am currently appreciating the connection between Biology, Personal Development, Yoga, and Energy Healing. This passion and deep yearning for learning which is a perfect integration of my biology, Spirituality, and personal development.  



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Sara Rossi | Lead Facilitator Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training, English, Spanish, Italian


Inspired by the significant changes in her life, in 2004, Sara traveled to Nasik, India to the Yoga Vidya Dham School and Ashram and became a certified Yoga Therapist. With each new certification, Sara committed to deepening her practice in order to share her knowledge with women in need of health coaching of all kinds. Her next step was to travel to Seattle, WA, where she studied with Colette Crawford at the Seattle Holistic Center, and earned her Pre-Post Natal Yoga certification. In 2013 she graduated as a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, this training became the cornerstone of Sara’s current, and proudest focus: helping women struggling with stress, weight management, lack of energy and expecting and new mothers commit to the evolution of their own health: for themselves, and for their children and families. Sara has been an avid yoga teacher and practitioner for over 15 years and has received her 500-hour Therapeutic Yoga certification with Integrative Yoga Therapy.  In addition, she is an Infant Massage Teacher, a HypnoBirthing®,  HypnoMothering ™, HypnoFertility ™ practitioner, and she offers classes for expectant and new moms as a way to gently transition into motherhood.



Cassie Marie Kingma | Children's Yoga Teacher Training Lead Facilitator


Meet Cassie-Marie, or Cas for short! She was born and raised in British Columbia, Canada and continues to live there today. Cas obtained her degree in Early Childhood Education and taught children of all ages and abilities for 10 years. In 2018, Cas quit her job, packed up her entire life and moved to a tiny town to be with her now husband. Fast forward a couple of years, a pandemic hits and Cas finds herself laid off, when the opportunity to take the first ever online 200HR YTT with Hali presented itself. In 2021 Cas completed that first training that would kickstart a series of trainings. She has since taken 400+ hours of training in Ayurveda, TCM, Wellness Meditation and Kids Yoga. Cas currently runs The Lemon Project; teaching yoga to all ages, young and old. When she isn’t taking a training, teaching a class or practicing yoga herself, you can find her on a mountain bike trail, hanging out with her 7+ pets, or driving her pink pickup truck.





Virtual Prana's founder, Hali Love, considers yoga a lifestyle. Her aim is to generously share the tools she has acquired through her personal journey, life experiences, education, and practice of both yoga and personal development. She has been a student of yoga since 1995 and has over 40,000 hours of logged facilitation and 20,000 hours of training with The International Yoga Alliance. Hali began studying Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2007 and continues to be a student of both modalities, as well as yoga. As a Yoga Instructor, Subconscious Restructuring Counselor, Yoga Therapist, and Ayurveda Consultant, she combines her love for yoga, eastern medicine modalities, and personal development in all her training sessions. 


The first foundational tool you will be introduced to is Hali's curated personal development tool called "The 7 Bodies Method," which was created to enhance the understanding and practices of the "mind, body, spirit" connection.


The styles of yoga included in Wellness Based Yoga are: gentle yoga, hatha, restorative, and vinyasa yoga. You will also learn many styles of breath work (pranayama) and a variety of meditations. Wellness Based Yoga is Love's signature blend of Yoga Philosophy, combined with Ayurveda and The 5 Element Theory from Traditional Chinese Medicine. During your training, you will also learn how to provide your clients with yoga-based Ayurvedic and 5 Element Balancing Consultations. 


The 7 Bodies Are:


1) Physical - our physical body

2) Mental - our thinking mind 

3) Emotional - all of the 6 human emotions

4) Energetic - our vibe

5) Spiritual - this is self defined

6) Soul - our dharma

7) Intellectual - our new knowledge, learning's and insights


Our training programs offer a comprehensive approach, seamlessly integrating physical asana practice, yoga philosophy, and mythology with Western psychology and Eastern healing modalities such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Each Yoga Education program is grounded in the timeless wisdom of the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya—who mentored renowned teachers B.K.S. Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois. Hali has been dedicated to the study of Yoga Philosophy since the age of 17, learning from esteemed teachers in India and Tibet. She is currently furthering her studies with Dr. Arjun, a respected Doctor of Sanskrit Science from India, ensuring that her teachings are rooted in deep, authentic knowledge.

Your 200 and 500-hour trainings begin with personal development because we believe it's important to continue doing the work. The work starts with you. The teachings are understood through our own work and experiences. We begin with a process of "unbecoming" where we learn about our limiting patterns and core values. This creates a powerful foundation for lasting healing, continued growth, and ultimately shining your light into the world as not only a successful yoga teacher, but also as an inspirational human being. You will feel empowered and supported as you are guided through this journey together. 





We embrace the healing benefits of all forms of yoga. Our Foundational 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program is rooted in Ayurveda, Yoga History, and Western Psychology. It helps students deepen their practices of hatha yoga, gentle, restorative, and vinyasa. Our 500 Hour Professional Yoga Teacher Certification goes further by incorporating the energetic and organ philosophy from Traditional Chinese Medicine. It also includes yin yoga, power yoga, and yoga nidra.


Already a certified Yoga Teacher? Great! We offer advanced trainings and continuing education programs, all registered with the International Yoga Alliance.


Our team is united by the shared purpose of empowering and inspiring growth through the practice of yoga. Our founder has been a dedicated yoga student since the age of 17 and has been leading yoga education programs since 2007. She has made healing, personal growth, yoga, and psychology her passion. With over 40,000 hours of training, she is an ERYT with The International Yoga Alliance.


Virtual Prana has connected with like-minded individuals from around the world, creating a global community of students and facilitators from Africa, Germany, Brazil, the UK, Australia, Costa Rica, Canada, and The United States. All facilitators have extensive experience in yoga practice, study, and specialized post-secondary education. The Virtual Prana team is fully committed and prepared to support you.


Our team's objective is to offer a comprehensive and comfortable yoga teacher training experience, whether you choose to attend a virtual, in-studio, or online program. The online platform provides an opportunity for students to fully engage in their yoga teacher training program. This allows each student to dedicate time to their studies, absorb the material, undergo personal development, and truly experience and learn the multitude of tools and practices presented. 



During your training, you will receive the highest level of support to ensure your success. Each of our online programs includes a dedicated facilitator who will guide you through your introductory call and provide continuous support as your main point of contact throughout the program. Our goal is to equip you with the tools and knowledge in each specialized area to empower you to live your most empowered life and to become a successful, inspirational yoga teacher.

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