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Image by Luemen Rutkowski

200 HOUR




the ultimate foundations

yoga teacher training program


Vinyasa yoga is a popular style today. It originated from the Primary Series of Ashtanga, which was created by Krishnamacharya in India and then passed down to Pattabhi Jois who introduced it in North America.  Hatha yoga is a physical branch of yoga that focuses on postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation to promote physical health and mental well-being. The word "Hatha" comes from the Sanskrit roots "Ha" meaning sun, and "Tha" meaning moon, symbolizing the balance of opposites. However, the term "Hatha" is also often translated as "forceful" or "strong," indicating that this practice involves deliberate, powerful effort to bring about balance in the body and mind.


In this program, you will learn a Standard Vinyasa Sequence, study over 108 yoga postures, and learn how to create your own yoga sequences in the styles of Hatha Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga.  Our program not only meets but exceeds the international requirements set by the International Yoga Alliance, preparing you well for a career in the yoga industry.




You will study excerpts from the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita and learn how to infuse this ancient wisdom into your modern day life through your personal development enhancement, and into your teaching. You will also study the Koshas, and the energetics of yoga.  You will learn how to incorporate this knowledge, as well as Pranayama (breath-work), meditation & mudras into your Power Yoga classes & sequences. 



asana LAB​​​​

Study the physical anatomy, including modifications , contraindications and prop usage of over 108 yoga postures.  You will also learn verbiage for deepening cues for all postures, as well as intelligent physical assists that will support your student's connection & evolution within their practice. During this module, you will also study "Yoga Anatomy" which will give you the foundation to deepen your anatomy study, as well as teach safe classes.




You will learn Hali Love’s tested Powerful Teaching Techniques which are anchored in effective communication skills from Western Psychology; and how they will enhance your teaching.  You will study Love's curated Personal Development Foundations system so you can learn how to "step out of your own way" and become your most powerful teacher & self! You will also Learn how to market your Prana Power Yoga Classes, how to create and structure your own sequences, and how to theme your classes.  During this module, you will also study how to provide intelligent physical assists to your students. 




Curate your strategy to infuse your new knowledge into your life with the personal development skills studied in this program. This includes one post-training follow-up call with Hali Love. This is important, as big shifts happen during these programs. You will be skilfully guided to incorporate a solid action plan to bring your changes into your life at home, including your personal relationships and your career. 



IN COSTA RICA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM >>click to view our calendar


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